
Listen to the song of the girl who won cancer

Calysta Bevier, the girl who fought and conquered ovarian cancer, impressed at America’s Got Talent auditions.

Choosing Rachel Platten’s famous song – Fight Song – a song full of meaning to herself, 16-year-old Calysta Bevier completely convinced the judges and received the Simon Cowell Gold Button. This means that she can go straight to the semi-finals.

“I am on stage today to prove one thing: there is nothing that cannot be overcome and continue to pursue your dreams,” said Calysta Bevier, who had been confronted with ovarian cancer.

The tough judge Simon Cowell had affectionate words for Calysta Bevier: “I love everything about her: her wit, her choice of songs, her voice. I think you are really special. “

Calysta Bevier’s performance has drawn nearly 5 million viewers since it was uploaded to YouTube on June 21.

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